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Participating schools and teams


“Trevnenska shkola”

Where creativity meets technology!

Tryavna, Bulgaria

The National High School of Applied Arts “Trevnenska shkola” in Tryavna, Bulgaria, is a state cultural institution that offers vocational training in three main subjects – Artistic Woodcarving, Interior Design, and Icon Painting. The school was founded in 1920 as State Carpentry School to preserve the tradition of Tryavna icon painting and woodcarving. Throughout the years, the school has attracted talented teachers and graduates and has contributed significantly to the development of Bulgarian plastic arts.

Currently, the school is regarded as one of the handfuls of art schools with the Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, and its graduates receive a diploma and professional qualification certificate for Artist or Designer. The school’s main objectives are to provide professional knowledge and skills and raise the personal professional and artistic cultural level in the field of applied arts. The school offers excellent educational facilities and equipment, including a 3D CNC machine and laser scanner for woodwork, renovated studios and workshops, and a unique library. The school maintains close contacts with NGOs, social, cultural, and educational institutions, and has international contacts with the Carving School in Brienz – Switzerland and the “Drvoart” Technical School in Belgrade.

The school has an impressive atmosphere of continuity and understanding between students from different school grades, and its graduates continue their education in many Bulgarian higher art and science educational institutions.

More detailed information about the school can be found here.

Valašské Meziříčí,
Czech Republic

Nursery school, primary school and secondary school for the hearing impaired in Valašské Meziříčí provides comprehensive education for children from an early age to adulthood. There is a nursery school, a primary school and a secondary school on the school premises.

The school educates students with hearing impairments or their combinations and students with speech defects. The aim of the school is for us to act as a role model for hearing and speech-impaired education. We create educational and methodical materials from preschool to secondary education. The school has Czech sign language interpreters, teaching assistants, and organizes sign language courses for employees and parents of disabled students. In addition, to sign language support, we also emphasize quality speech therapy and speech and vocabulary development.

Education in secondary school is focused on computer technology, marketing and media creation, horticulture and electricians. In addition to quality education, the school’s priority is the application of students in the field of study, i.e. cooperation with actors on the labour market, the creation of textbooks and courses focused on the labour market and financial literacy.

The secondary school currently offers the following fields of study:

• Information Technology

• Electrician

• Electrical and mechanical assembly work

• Mechanic electrical engineer

• Garden work

• Gardener

• Economics and Business


SU “St. Paisiy Hilendarski”

Gateway to a global future

Zlatitsa, Bulgaria

The school has over 150 years of history, since 1936 it was a primary school and bears the name of Father Paisiy. Since 2005, it has been transformed into a general secondary school in “St. Paisiy Hilendarski”, and since 2016 it is SU “St. Paisiy Hilendarski”. The school is both the largest in the area and the youngest high school. It was awarded by the Ministry of Education and Culture as an innovative school. The school has two computer rooms equipped with modern ICT and the STEM center. All school buildings have an accessible architectural environment for people with disabilities – ramp, adapted toilet, elevator, etc. High school students participate in numerous national projects – “Innovative School”, “Global School”, “Ambassador School of the EP”, the International Award of the Duke of Edinburgh, etc. 13 international projects under the Comenius, Youth in Action, Erasmus+ programs have also been extremely successfully implemented. Students from 8th to 12th grade are trained in the “Entrepreneurial” profile, two levels (8-10th grade – first level and 11-12th grade – second degree). All classes (8a, 9a, 10a, 11a and 12a) are taught in the same “Entrepreneurial” profile, and for the entire five-year period the profiling subjects are: Entrepreneurship, IT, Geography and economics, English.



Your path to success

Velenje, Slovenia

SOLSKI CENTER VELENJE (Slovenia) School Centre Velenje is one of the largest Vocational Education and Training (VET) centres in Slovenia with long tradition and with 2395 students on initial and continuous secondary as well as on higher level of education, serving by 203 teachers, trainers and other staff. It consists of School of Machinery, Geotechnics and Environment, School of Electrical Engineering and Computing, School for Service Activities, Gymnasium, Higher Professional School and Inter-company Training Centre. Modern role of staff and teachers as professionals, innovators, project managers, mentors, colleagues with experience in usage of ICT, lifelong learning concept, and adult education reflects the integration of the School Centre Velenje in the priorities of the regional and local development.


Maths and Science High School “Academician Ivan Gyuzelev”

Empowering Bright Minds,
Shaping Future Innovators

Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Maths and Science High School “Academician Ivan Gyuzelev” (PMG) is a secondary school, with over 600 students between the ages of 12 and 19, which is located in the town of Gabrovo, Bulgaria. It is a profiled secondary school which specialises in areas of Mathematics, Informatics, IT, Biology, Chemistry, foreign languages and provides vocational education in the field of Technology. Maths and Science High School is an innovative school in the field of digital and software sciences. A STEM center was established in 2022 and there our students develop their knowledge and skills in a high-tech environment with 3D printers. Our school provides vocational education for 105 students (8th – 12th grade) who want to develop their knowledge in the field of computer science and acquire skills for working in a real work environment which will favor their future development. Maths and Science High School participates in environmental education activities which help students grow into aware citizens of the planet who can also make a difference. The installed photovoltaic and solar powered systems at our school allows us to educate students on renewable energy and serves as an in-house renewables living laboratory. We are proud with the first places of our students at national and international competitions in the field of Mathematics, Informatics, IT, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Our students are part of the Bulgarian teams in mathematics, informatics and science.


Secondary Technical School

Engineering the Path to Success

Přerov, Czech Republic

The school was founded in 1889, when the vocational school of mechanical engineering.

In the school year 1919/1920, the Vocational School of Mechanical Engineering was transformed into a state industrial school with a department of the Master School of Mechanical Engineering and a branch for war invalids. The interest in studying was extraordinary.

Our school offers three fields of study, which are four-year and finished with a matriculation exam. The form of study is daily.

Fields of study:

• Electrical engineering with a focus on computer control

• Electrical engineering with a focus on computer technology

• Technical Lyceum focusing on information technologies

• Engineering

The majority of pupils continue their studies at technical or natural science universities. Others start working directly after completing secondary education.

The atmosphere at the school is friendly and very team-oriented, which has a positive effect on the running of the school. Pupils are given maximum care with the aim of preparing them as best as possible for further studies or practice. Tutoring is organized for weaker students and professional circles with professionals for skilled students. Everything is based on the hard work and enthusiasm of our teachers, school management, administrative staff and top technical facilities.

During their studies at school, students participate in many competitions, excursions, and sports courses. They can get a CISCO certificate. The school is constantly deepening cooperation with companies in the Přerov region, which are very interested in the school’s graduated students.


Special Vocational High School of Athens

Nurturing Dreams, Forging Futures

Athens, Greece

Special Vocational High School of Athens, One of the Greek schools which will take part in our 3D Printing project. Founded in 2016 and serving students in the secondary level of education, this school, located in Athens’ bustling Thisio neighbourhood, is dedicated to providing students with enriching experiences. Throughout the year, they organize tailored activities, including visits to museums, talks, and company tours. Moreover, the school has a successful track record of international engagement through Erasmus+ programs in various countries like Poland, Turkey, Ireland and Slovenia.

Currently, they offer three fields of study: Health, Welfare, and Wellness (featuring Makeup Art and Hairdressing), IT (with Applied Computer Science Technology and Computer and Network Technology), and Agriculture, Food Science, and Environment (with Food and Beverage Science Technology and Floriculture and Landscape Architecture). The Special Vocational High School of Athens is not just a school; it’s a place where students explore their passions and reach for new heights in education and innovation.


Vocational Technical High School Dr. Nikola Vasiliadi

Bridging Tradition with Innovation

Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Vocational Technical High School Dr. Nikola Vasiliadi-Gabrovo was established as a craft school in 1895. For 128 years now, it has been preparing specialists in technical specialties, striving to preserve and maintain the traditions of our ancestors, but also to keep pace with new requirements.

As one of the leading innovative schools in the Gabrovo area, the high school is constantly evolving to meet modern standards. Modern information technologies are applied in the learning process in all subjects, which helps students acquire information about the latest trends in the development of their chosen speciality.

The main task of the team is to make professional education meet the needs of the business. Today, the high school educates over 600 students in 25 classes in full-time and dual education in the following study specialities:

• Computer technology and technologies

• Application programming

• Mechatronics

• Motor Transport equipment

• Industrial Electronics

• Measuring and Organizational Technique

• Electric vehicles

• Renewable energy sources

In PTG Dr. Nikola Vasiliadi, the traditions bequeathed by the patron and the modern spirit of the technical development of Bulgarian society from the beginning of the 21st century are intertwined. The graduates proudly bear the name of Vasiliadians as worthy followers of the benefactor and are ready to pass on their experience to the next generations of technicians in order to fulfil the progressive idea of ​​the patron and preserve in time the dignity of his great charitable gesture and his noble example of patriotic dedication.

More detailed information about the school can be found here.

Olomouc, Czech Republic

The Higher Vocational School and Secondary Industrial School of Electrical Engineering in Olomouc has a rich history in the field of electrical engineering. Throughout the years, we have made consistent efforts to update our educational programs and equip our facilities with modern technology. We are proud to offer our graduates exposure to contemporary developments in telecommunications, automation, as well as economics and business management at the Voš.

To ensure that our students receive the most relevant education, we constantly adapt our curriculum to reflect current industry trends. In particular, we place a strong emphasis on automation and telecommunications within the field of Electrical Engineering. In our Technical Lyceum program, we have further enhanced the IT and application development component to ensure our students are well-prepared for the digital landscape.


• Facilitating professional internships in partner companies specializing in informatics, electrical engineering, automation, and telecommunications fields

• Modern automation classrooms equipped with functional models of operational lines

• A multi-purpose gymnasium with reserved afternoon blocks for sports activities of pupils and students

• Organizing informative professional conferences for the public – electromobility, iOS, robotics, Linux, CoderDojo and others

• Facilitating Erasmus activities including professional practice opportunities abroad and fostering communication with ESN students


Special Vocational High School of Acharnes

Crafting Bright Futures in Diverse Fields

 Acharnes, Athens, Greece

Introducing the second Greek school which will take part in our 3D Printing Project, the Special Vocational High School of Acharnes. This is the sister school of the Special Vocational High School of Athens and it is catering to students in the secondary education tier. This institution, situated on the outskirts of Athens in the Acharnes region, is committed to delivering enriching experiences for its students. Similarly to their sister school, they’ve also achieved a notable history of international involvement through Erasmus+ initiatives across different nations.

At this time, they offer four fields of study: Mechanical Engineering (featuring specializations in Vehicle Technician and Mechanical Technician of installations and constructions), Information Technology (with IT Applications Technician), Health – Welfare – Well-being and lastly in the field of Agriculture. The Special Vocational High School of Acharnes stands as more than just an educational institution; it serves as a hub where students delve into their interests and strive for greater heights in learning and creativity.


5th Evening EPAL Technical Vocational School

Empowering Dreams,
Expanding Horizons

 Exarchia, Athens, Greece

The last Greek school joining the 3D Printing Project is the 5th Evening EPAL Technical Vocational School of Athens. This school caters to students at the secondary education level, and given its evening schedule, it primarily accommodates working individuals who attend classes after their jobs. Located in the Exarcheia area, the school, established in 1932 (originally a Primary School), stands out as a prime example of interwar architecture in Athens. As such, it holds a significant position as one of the most vital and lively social and cultural hubs in Exarchia.

Today, the school offers 3 fields of study: Economics and Administration, Information Technology and Health – Welfare – Well-being. The 5th Evening EPAL Technical Vocational School of Athens goes beyond being a conventional educational institution; it acts as a dynamic nexus where students immerse themselves in their passions, aiming for elevated levels of knowledge and creativity. Within its walls, education transforms into an interactive journey, inspiring students to explore diverse interests and reach new heights in both learning and creative expression.